Own It Like a Pro
Take full charge of your role’s outcomes, tackling needs with the mindset that you’re the only one who can make it happen.
Focus on What Matters
Channel your energy into high-impact tasks that drive us forward, delivering fast yet outstanding work that reflects our core values.
Embrace Honesty
Speak the truth boldly, fostering growth through honest feedback, even when it's challenging to deliver or receive.

const testimonial = {
feedback: “A lot of the work I’ve been doing has been to advance the broader strategic goal of Pinata becoming a more data driven organization. It’s really helped advance my data engineering skills, which is frankly a hard thing to learn in school. It's hard to teach these things in a course.”
name: "Benjamin Pace",
title: "Data scientist intern",

const testimonial = {
feedback: “My manager and mentor have played crucial roles during my internship. My mentor, Paulo, provided extensive hands-on training, including pair programming, to demonstrate how he approaches and solves technical issues. He meticulously reviewed my pull requests, offering valuable feedback on code cleanliness and debugging techniques, significantly enhancing my technical skills.”
name: "Yongjie Xue",
title: "Front-end engineer intern",

const testimonial = {
feedback: “I feel like every day, I'm learning something new. This role is definitely helping me become a better software engineer and get exposed to a new sector of the internet—one that I believe will continue to have a major impact on society.”
name: "Tiffany Simione",
title: "Frond-end engineering intern",