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Pinata’s New Pricing: No More Pin Limits, More Storage For Less
Pinata doesn’t just push the boundaries of IPFS’s capabilities, we push the boundaries of what our entire technology stack can do. Because of this, we are able to deliver the same high quality, scalable product to you for cheaper. And we’re passing those savings on to you.
As of today, Pinata’s Picnic and Fiesta plan storage limits and overage pricing has been significantly improved, and we’ve removed the pinned file limit on those plans. Let’s dive into the changes.

What’s changing?
Storage Limits
- The Picnic Plan’s storage limit has been raised from 500GB to 1TB
- The Fiesta Plan’s storage limit has been raised from 2.5TB to 5TB
Overage Pricing
- Overage pricing for Picnic Plan storage has been reduced from $0.10 per GB to $0.07 per GB
- Overage pricing for Fiesta Plan storage has been reduced from $0.05 per GB to $0.035 per GB
Pinned File Limits
- There are no longer pinned files limits for Picnic and Fiesta Plans
What do you need to do?
If you are on the Picnic Plan or the Fiesta Plan, you don’t have to do anything. The new pricing has gone into effect as of today. If you were paying overages for your plan, you’ll see the new pricing reflected on your next bill.
If you’re on the Free plan, the limits are the same, but we hope these pricing improvements provide more reason for you to upgrade in the future.
What’s next?
You tell us! With these updated prices, we hope you’ll experiment, build, and scale. We want to see your projects, apps, and businesses. And we want your feedback. Email us anytime at team [at] pinata [dot] cloud.
Until next time, Happy Pinning!