Why Immutability is Important For File Storage
What’s the deal with immutability, and why should you care about it when thinking about file storage?
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What’s the deal with immutability, and why should you care about it when thinking about file storage?
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There are many Javascript/Typescript web frameworks out there, but Astro is special. If you’re not familiar with Astro, it’s a unique take on how to approach building web apps. It’s designed to be content driven with built-in features to handle markdown content, but also has an
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Like kids playing with matches, we just lit it all on fire. We were burning money as we built and as we scaled, never considering whether we could be doing it better or cheaper or more efficiently. And, like every irresponsible young child learns when it comes to fire, what
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Databases are a crucial piece of the web as we know it today, and some might say that’s all the internet is! With that high demand comes new database models and implementations, and one that has struck a lot of interest is PGlite. This new implementation uses WASM to
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You have likely heard of Svelte if you’ve spent time on the web for the last few years, and there’s a good reason for that. Svelte is a JavaScript framework that is compiled, lightweight, and fairly simple to use. It simplifies things that usually require a lot of
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File storage is one of the core components to most applications. It is often the second or third thing developers find themselves needing to write code for. What many forget about, until they are hit with the complexity of setting it up, is that file storage is just half the
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If you read some of Pinata’s blogs and tutorials, you’ve probably noticed we use Next.js a fair bit. While it is an easy framework to build an MVP with, its not always the best choice for every job. OpenAI seemed to think the same thing when they
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The beauty of SQLite is in its simplicity. It’s a local SQL database with many of the same benefits you would expect from PostgreSQL or MySQL, but it’s lightweight, portable, and doesn’t require a hosting provider. However, one of SQLite’s drawbacks is in its data persistence.
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Remember what it was like during the early Facebook years, when “posting on a wall” meant something? Ever want to bring those moments back? Well, I did, and I particularly wanted to bring it closer to home. I’ve been living in Chattanooga for years now and there’s a
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