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Build The Future Of The Web As A Self-Taught Developer

Justin Hunter

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Build The Future Of The Web As A Self-Taught Developer
“I've been working with IPFS and Pinata. The developer experience is exceptional, and the services are top-notch compared to competitors. The plugins and overall usability make it easy to get started.”

At Pinata, we’re partial to the grit and tenacity that comes with learning something new and fighting through adversity. Many of us are self-taught and scrappy, so when we see someone learning, building in public, and succeeding, it’s exciting. When we see someone with those qualities who also happens to be single-handedly building a Pinata community SDK, we had to talk to them.

Divine Abiloro started tweeting (nee - posting) on Twitter (nee - X) about his progress building a Golang SDK for Pinata a few weeks ago and it caught our eye. Our Head of Developer Relations, Steve, had recently re-written our JavaScript SDK from scratch and created an incredible developer experience. Seeing someone do this in Go was incredible. So, I reached out to Divine to learn more about his journey.

Can you tell me a little bit about your journey to learning to code?

It all began a few years ago when I attempted to repair my malfunctioning phone. Suspecting a bootloader or firmware issue, I turned to online tutorials and sought advice from friends. After months of persistent trial and error, I managed to successfully fix the problem. This experience ignited my passion for software development.

I started by troubleshooting various phone issues and then expanded my expertise to laptops, working with different operating systems like Android, iOS, and Windows. As my interest grew, I became captivated by hacking movies and began researching ethical hacking techniques. To delve deeper into this field, I learned Python. Initially, I worked alone and encountered numerous challenges. However, I remained determined and learned valuable lessons from my mistakes. My roommate, an illustrator, inspired me to pursue a career in software development. I enrolled in a Google Android development course and started building apps. Despite facing limitations with my computer's hardware, I persisted. I built a gallery app and shared it with my roommate, who offered constructive feedback. I also learned Kotlin and Java and began freelancing. Over time, I transitioned to backend development, working with PHP and eventually migrating to Golang. I also explored web3 and blockchain technologies, recognizing the potential of Go language in this area. Throughout my career, I've been involved in various projects, continuously learning and growing as a software developer. I've gained experience in different areas, from frontend development to backend engineering and blockchain technology. I've also had the opportunity to work on both personal and professional projects, honing my skills and expanding my knowledge.

One of the most rewarding aspects of my journey has been the ability to contribute to innovative projects and solve real-world problems. I've had the satisfaction of seeing my work make a positive impact on users and businesses. As I continue to evolve as a software developer, I'm excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. I'm eager to explore new technologies, learn new skills, and contribute to the ever-evolving field of software development.

What do you work on now and what programming languages do you use the most?

Currently, I specialize in Go programming, focusing on backend and blockchain development. While I have knowledge of PHP, Dart, Flutter, and Kotlin, my primary focus is on Golang. In the backend space, I utilize various technologies, including relational and non-relational databases, cloud platforms, and network tools. I have experience working with AWS, Docker, Kubernetes, message brokers, etc. successfully implementing these technologies in professional projects.

Examples of projects I've worked on include a C2C e-commerce platform, custom message brokers, logistics platform, MQTT clients for IoT device communication, etc.. In the blockchain domain, I specialize in core blockchain development. While I don't build smart contracts directly, I have extensive experience working with IPFS, p2p networks, creating clients that interact with smart contracts on blockchain, and more.

I've also been involved in building decentralized systems and SDKs. I've successfully designed and implemented decentralized applications with a focus on scalability, reliability, and privacy.

What made you decide to start writing a community SDK for Pinata?

As mentioned earlier, I've been working with IPFS and Pinata. The developer experience is exceptional, and the services are top-notch compared to competitors. The plugins and overall usability make it easy to get started interacting with IPFS. I believe IPFS is a groundbreaking technology with a promising future in the web3 space. I'm excited to contribute to Pinata's vision in revolutionizing storage in the blockchain domain.

After conducting research, I discovered that Pinata offers SDKs for JavaScript and Go. While the Go SDK is no longer maintained, I've found that using the JavaScript SDK has been helpful. Inspired by Pinata's services and my desire to enhance the developer experience for Go users, I decided to create a Go SDK. Drawing inspiration from the TypeScript SDK created by Steve, the head of developer relations at Pinata, I've been making progress on the Go SDK. It's still under development, but I'm excited about the potential features and benefits it will bring to developers.

How has blockchain development compared to traditional development?

Personally, I find blockchain development and the web3 space to be incredibly interesting and promising. The decentralized nature, immutability, and lack of censorship make it a promising field for developing innovative products and services. In contrast to traditional development, which relies on a centralized authority to manage and control data, blockchain offers greater transparency, security, and reduced risks of fraud and censorship. This makes it a good choice for applications where data accuracy and integrity are paramount.

While blockchain offers significant advantages, it also faces challenges such as scalability, complexity, and potential for malicious actors. However, I believe that both web2 and web3 have their strengths and weaknesses, and the optimal choice depends on the specific application requirements.

I've worked on both web2 and web3 projects, and I believe that the strengths and weaknesses of each space can be complementary. Some projects and infrastructure I've built have performed well in the web2 space, while others have been more successful in the web3 space. I'm excited about the potential of blockchain and web3 to revolutionize various industries. I believe that Pinata shares this vision and is actively contributing to the evolution of the web3 space.

What advice would you give to someone just starting out on their coding journey?

For newcomers to the tech industry, the current landscape can be overwhelming with countless frameworks, languages, and influencers offering advice. While it's tempting to dive into multiple areas at once, the key to success is often focusing on a specific niche and building expertise in that area. Don't let the noise distract you. Instead, choose a field that interests you, build practical projects, and seek mentorship from experienced professionals. Join communities and network with like-minded individuals. Remember, the journey won't be easy, but perseverance and dedication are essential. Build a strong online presence by sharing your projects and progress. This will help you establish your brand and connect with potential opportunities. Avoid getting caught up in the hype surrounding the latest trends and focus on building a solid foundation in your chosen field. As you gain experience and expertise, you can gradually diversify your skillset. Remember, the worst thing you can do is to do nothing, the second worst thing you can do is to do everything.

Start Something

The last message from Divine is something we believe in deeply. Just start something. You’ll be amazed at what you can do. Thanks to Divine for sitting down with us for this interview.

You can follow his work on X and on Github.

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